Patrick Gustafson
Web Developer

Javascript | jQuery | HTML5 | CSS3 | React | Node

About Me

Patrick standing with trees and snow-covered mountains in the background

I am based in Southern California. I am an avid video gamer and technology enthusiast. I enjoy music, television, and movies as well as baseball, hiking, and puzzles. Growing up in the 90’s, I have always been fascinated with technology. I played with computers when I was a kid and I’ve watched them change and improve throughout the years. I like to challenge myself with puzzles to enhance my problem solving skills.



Home screen of STSaver web app

STSaver is a screen-time tracker app where users can log their time looking at a screen whether it be a computer screen, phone screen, tablet screen, or a television screen. Users will be able to see their activity in the past 7 days in an activity bar-chart. There is also a timer where the user will be able to set a time for a work session and a break session and will be alerted by an alarm. This is for people that spend to much time looking at screens whether they work in front of a computer all day or just spend too much time on their phone. I built this app to help with the modern problem of too much screen exposure and ease the strain on users eyes.
Built with React.js, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, REST API, HTML5, and CSS3.

Live Page Repo(Client) Repo(Server)


Home screen of GamesNet web app

GamesNet is an app where users can rate and review video games. Users also add the video games that they want to get reviewed. As games are being rated, the game list will update the average rating for each game. The list of games can be sorted alphabetically or by rating from highest to lowest. This is made for people who want to get a chance to get an opinion of a video game before they decide to buy it. And also it is made for people who love to play and review games. I built this app because I have been a victim of buying a game that I didn't end up liking and felt like I wasted money. I wanted to give people a place where they can share their experiences and give insights on a game.
Built with React.js, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, REST API, HTML5, and CSS3.

Live Page Repo(Client) Repo(Server)

Lyrics 4 Me

Home screen of Lyrics 4 Me web app

A lyrics app where a user can search for an artist or a song title to find the lyrics of a song. In addition to displaying the lyrics, it shows a list of similar artists and a link to their lyrics. This app is for people that like to sing along to their favorite songs but don't really know the words. With Lyrics 4 Me, the user can find those lyrics and also discover new bands related to thier favorite songs. I built this app because I, too, like to sing along to the music I listen to and I like finding new artists that are similar to my favorites.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and jQuery.

Live Page Repo

Star Wars Quiz App

Start screen for a Star Wars quiz

A simple quiz app where users can test their knowledge of all Star Wars trilogies by answering a series of questions and getting the results at the end. It is made for people who love Star Wars and want to prove they know more about it than anyone else. I chose Star Wars as the theme because I have a huge fan of the series and I know a lot about it.
Built with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and jQuery.

Live Page Repo